What We Offer
We offer Drama Therapy inspired programs that give participants opportunities for Shakespeare Study and Performance. Exercises foster self-reflection, self-expression, cooperation, compassion, and goal-setting. We practice being human together. Shakespeare offers many opportunities to explore human motivation, interpersonal interactions, and deep thinking about the human condition. Programs include:
• Shakespeare in Prison
• Acting for Veterans
• Drama for Re-Entry
• Anger Management
• Shakespeare for System-Impacted Youth
Marin Shakespeare Company has offered programs in 14 California State Prisons and Alameda Juvenile Hall.

San Quentin State Prison, Marin
Starting in 2003, Marin Shakespeare Company has offered weekly Shakespeare classes at San Quentin Prison. From humble beginnings – 3 students in the first class – the program has become extremely popular as men reap the benefits of personal growth through Shakespeare. We now have two Shakespeare groups, each of which performs an annual performance of a Shakespeare play. The men also write and perform autobiographical theatre pieces inspired by themes from Shakespeare, a Parallel Play which we call “Stories from San Quentin.”
Since 2014, we have also worked with incarcerated Veterans each year to create an hour-long play about issues of importance to them, in partnership with Veterans Healing Veterans from the Inside Out. Our H-unit Acting Class gives men on H unit an opportunity to explore their self-expression, creativity, and teamwork.
Solano State Prison, Vacaville
Starting in 2014, we have offered Shakespeare programs on Level II and Level III yards, Drama for Re-Entry, which uses drama therapy inspired exercises to allow men to “rehearse” how they want to act when they return home, and Acting for Vetrans.
Folsom Women’s Prison, Folsom
Starting in 2015, we have offered Shakespeare and Drama for Re-Entry for incarcerated women. In January of 2023, California deactivated this prison.
High Desert State Prison, Susanville
Starting in 2017, we offered Shakespeare groups on D-Yard, Level IV (maximum security). The program has allowed incarcerated men to engage with Shakespeare and how it relates to their own lives. We now also have a Shakespeare group on C-Yard, Level III.
California Health Care Facility, Stockton
Starting in 2017, we offer a Shakespeare program at California’s newest state prison, which serves Level II and III with physical and mental health issues.
California Medical Facility, Vacaville
Starting in 2017, we offered a Shakespeare program at this institution, serving men on Level II and Level III. This program is currently on pause.
Deuel Vocational Institution, Tracy
Starting in 2017, we offered a Shakespeare program for Level II and III at this home of the “Gladiators”. In 2021, California closed this prison. Since then, after transferring, men from DVI have joined Shakespeare groups at other institutions.
Old Folsom State Prison, Folsom
Starting in 2017, we offer a Shakespeare program for Level II and III inmates at this iconic California State Prison. Since 2022, we have also offered Acting for Veterans. Starting in 2024, we offer Anger Management.
O.H. Close and N.A. Chaderjian Youth Correctional Facilities
Starting in 2017, we began offering programming at these two youth prisons, led by Dameion Brown and Lesley Currier. In 2023, both facilities were permanently closed.
Mule Creek State Prison, Ione
Starting in 2018, we have offered a Shakespeare program on D and E yards.
Chuckawalla Valley State Prison, Blythe
Starting in 2019, we offer a Shakespeare program for this prison in Southern California, near the Arizona border. California has announced it will close this prison by 2025.
Ironwood State Prison, Blythe
Starting in 2019 through 2021, we offered a Shakespeare program for this prison in Southern California, near the Arizona border.
Sierra Conservation Center, Jamestown
Starting in 2020 through 2022, we offered a Shakespeare program for this prison in Tuolumne County.