Written by Camilla Ford and Kim Scholefield
The 25th anniversary of BS cannot be celebrated without highlighting Bob and Lesley Currier (1989 co-founders of Marin Shakespeare) who created Baja Shakespeare along with Clarence Moyers (Smokehouse Clarence). They somehow gathered a group of locals: nurse practitioner, golfers, local loresman, beekeepers, kids, retirees, acupuncturists, craftsman and enticed them away from bars and retirement to put on a Shakespeare tragedy in a Mexican village in the desert. Unheard of! Impossible. The stuff of documentaries and more lore. They created non profit status, directed, created costumes, choreographed, did music, built stages, Under the motto: “a party every night”, they actually exposed locals to the words of Shakespeare in a manner that reached peoples hearts and bypassed language. They gave people purpose and pride and entertainment and a sense of belonging and of being a part of something fun and bigger than each individual. They built community. Their connection to the larger world of Shakespeare brought guests from around the world to enjoy Los Barriles while immersing in Shakespeare’s words. They brought Shakespeare to life here in our little town.
After directing 12 plays they eased away and let us grown on our own. Since then we have veered away from traditional and adapted and created original works involving live music, song, and dance. Yet, we always include some flavor of Shakespeare and we believe he would be chuckling and approving of our modern adaptations. As he was very much an entertainer and and actor himself. Like true parents, the Curriers and Uncle Clarence have supported and guided Baja Shakespeare and looked on or stepped in as we make our own mistakes and soar and trip and carry on. They are the nurturing loving parents of Baja Shakespeare and whether near or far, their love is always steady, unwavering and present. Thank you Mami, Papi and Tio. We strive to carry on and make you proud.